Worldwide Spending on AI - Prediction

Worldwide Spending on AI - Prediction

Where we got the data from:

International Data Corporation (IDC) published a new forecast via their Worldwide Artificial Intelligence Spending Guide in March 2023.

IDC states:

"Global spending on artificial intelligence (AI), including software, hardware, and services for AI-centric systems*, will reach $154 billion in 2023, an increase of 26.9% over the amount spent in 2022. The ongoing incorporation of AI into a wide range of products will result in a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.0% over the 2022-2026 forecast with spending on AI-centric systems expected to surpass $300 billion in 2026."

How we display the data

The live counter counts up at the rate per minute calculated below:

It is estimated that approximately $226.17 billion was spent in 2024, and approximately $223.96 billion was spent in 2025 based on the given compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.0%.

Total spending during the 5-year period: $121.27 billion + $154 billion + $226.17 billion + $223.96 billion + $300 billion = $1,025.4 billion

Average spending per annum: Total spending / Number of years = $1,025.4 billion / 5 years ≈ $205.08 billion

Spending per minute = $205.08 billion / 525,600 minutes

Spending per minute ≈ $390,580.52

Change log

We added this source on May 31, 2023


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Source Details
Publication Date:
March 7, 2023
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